Dog Care Information
Welcoming a new dog into your life promises loads of fun and happiness. Dogs are wonderful companions who will offer you unconditional love and friendship. However, they rely on you to keep them fit, healthy, and happy.

First Days in a New Home
It will take a few days for your new dog to settle in and recognise your home as its own. During this period, establish a routine that you intend to follow in the future.
Making Your House Suitable for Your Pet
Before bringing your dog home, ensure that the boundaries of your property are secure to prevent them from wandering off. Prepare suitable bedding in a warm, sheltered place. Choose bedding that is easy to clean regularly. Always have fresh water available. To prevent injuries, ensure that balconies, decks, and other areas are safe. Store poisons securely out of reach.
First 48 Hours
Within the first 48 hours, take your pup to the vet for a health check. Use this opportunity to ask any questions you may have about feeding, toileting, behaviour, worming, vaccination, and desexing. This initial check is crucial; it helps detect any contagious diseases or congenital issues that may require extensive care and financial commitment. Puppies can be safely adopted from 6 to 8 weeks of age, by which time they should have been weaned, wormed, had their first vaccination, and been microchipped.
Starting Off Right
Give your new pup the best start with a premium dry food like Royal Canin Puppy, tailored to their size and nutritional needs. Build a strong bond from day one by setting the foundation for a happy, healthy future together!
Should a Female Dog Be Spayed?
Spaying (desexing) offers numerous benefits. Female dogs experience oestrus (heat periods) resulting in about 2-3 weeks of vulval bleeding, which can be inconvenient if your dog is kept indoors. During this time, she attracts neighbourhood male dogs, which can be a nuisance. It’s advisable not to walk your dog during this period. Heat periods occur approximately every six months, and despite your best efforts, your dog may become pregnant. Spaying involves the removal of the uterus and ovaries, preventing heat periods and unplanned litters.
As female dogs age, the incidence of breast cancer and uterine infections increases if they are not spayed. Spaying before any heat periods can prevent these issues. If you do not plan to breed your dog, we strongly recommend spaying her just before her first oestrus, around 5-6 months, or midway between oestrus periods.
Breeding your bitch
Breeding from your bitch and raising her puppies can be an extremely rewarding experience, or it may produce frustration and failure. Pet bitches often struggle between their instinctive desire to be with their puppies and their routines with their owners. This can cause problems and should be considered before breeding. Raising a litter of puppies is time-consuming and should not be undertaken lightly. If you plan to mate your dog, she should be allowed one or two heat periods first.
This will allow her to physically mature and then be a better mother without such a physical drain on her. Having a litter after 5 years of age increases the risk of problems during the pregnancy and/or delivery. Once your dog has had her last litter, it is worth considering spaying in order to prevent uterine infections and other reproductive problems. Should a mis-mating occur, then the pregnancy can be prevented by injections – but must start within 3 days of the mating or she can be desexed.
Should a Male Dog Be Desexed?
A dog’s personality is not in his testicles
Desexing offers several advantages. Male dogs are attracted to females in heat and will go to great lengths to find them. They are more aggressive and likely to fight, especially with other males. Male dogs mark their territory by urinating on everything and may masturbate, which can be embarrassing. They also tend to be more dominant towards people, a behaviour that may not start until they are over two years old (maturity).
As dogs age, the prostate gland often enlarges, causing difficulty urinating and defecating. Desexing can solve or greatly alleviate these issues. The surgery can be performed any time after the dog is two months old. It’s worth noting that all service dogs, including Guide Dogs, Hearing Dogs, and Dogs for the Disabled, are routinely desexed.

Registration and Identification
Every dog must be registered with the local council once it is six months old. After registration, the dog must wear its identification at all times. When outside your property, keep your dog on a leash held by someone who can always control the dog.
Microchipping is required by law and serves as an excellent method for identifying your pet. If your pet strays from home, the Council pound and most veterinary surgeries can scan for the microchip, contact the central registry, and obtain the owner’s name and contact number. The central registry information includes an alternative contact, which is invaluable if your pet has strayed or if you are not at home.
Since July 1999, animals not microchipped are considered “not owned” and do not have to be held by the Council pound.
Travel sickness, or motion sickness, affects many dogs due to the motion’s impact on the inner ear’s balance organs. Signs include excessive salivation, restlessness, excitement, and sometimes vomiting.
Ensure your dog wears a correctly adjusted collar, not a check chain. Many dogs travel better when secured with a harness. If the dog is travelling unaccompanied, ensure his name is on the container along with your name, address, telephone number, and other relevant details, such as when and where you are collecting him. Travel sickness prevention tablets are available from your vet – please enquire.
There are publications listing hotels and boarding houses that allow pets. These can be reviewed at Menai Animal Hospital.
Boarding at Meadowmist Boarding Kennels
When planning a vacation, we recommend arranging for your dog(s) to be comfortably boarded at Meadowmist Boarding Kennels. Bring your dog(s) to Menai Animal Hospital in the morning, and they will be transported by air-conditioned van to Meadowmist. They will return from Meadowmist late on the day you wish to pick them up (Monday to Friday service).
Meadowmist requires you to complete a document identifying your dog and its requirements whilst boarding. By arrangement, dogs can receive “playtime” with a ball or frisbee, especially needed for active dogs. It is essential that all dogs in boarding kennels are fully vaccinated, including for kennel cough. These vaccinations must be current at the time of boarding (i.e., carried out within the past twelve months, and preferably some weeks before boarding is planned). Bookings: directly with Meadowmist – 9627 2395

Caring for Elderly Dogs
As dogs age, their bodies undergo significant changes even though their behaviour may appear unaltered. Dogs beyond 5 to 7 years old are usually considered “senior,” depending on their size and breed.
Middle-aged and older pets often face:
- Obesity
- Kidney disease
- Heart disease
- Liver disease
- Skin tumours
- Arthritis
- Tooth and gum disease
- Behaviour changes
- Impaired sight and hearing
The onset of many diseases can be delayed or treated successfully if detected early. Annual check-ups by the veterinarian can keep your pet as healthy as possible. You may wish to arrange a blood test during this time, as many diseases are undetectable by other means.
Barking control
Barking is a natural way for dogs to communicate and often indicates their alertness to danger. However, some dogs continuously bark at anything that moves or sometimes at nothing at all. As a responsible dog owner, it is essential to ensure your dog does not bark excessively. If you or your neighbours have issues with your dog’s barking, consult with veterinary staff for assistance.
Bathing and grooming
Regular grooming is essential to keep your dog looking and feeling their best. Long-haired breeds require more frequent brushing than short-haired dogs. Pay special attention to areas that mat easily, such as behind the ears.
Dogs need occasional baths, especially in summer, but consistent and regular bathing more than once a month is usually unnecessary. The key is to bathe your dog only when they are dirty enough to need it. Always use dog shampoos (and conditioners) instead of domestic detergents or disinfectants. Wash your dog’s bedding whenever you bathe your dog.
Ear Care
Check your dog’s ears weekly to ensure they are clean and dry. Be aware of fly worry to ears and apply insect repellent if necessary. Wipe the outer ears with a tissue or swab. If there is a smell or discharge, take your dog to the vet.
Sharp Toenails?
Young dogs can have very sharp toenails. You can blunt and shorten them using an emery board or a piece of carpenter’s fine sandpaper. Alternatively, you can trim them with nail scissors or clippers made for dogs and cats. Be cautious not to cut too much nail, as this can cut the quick, causing bleeding and pain. If your puppy has clear or light-coloured nails, you can see the quick as a pink line running through the nail. If you accidentally cut the quick, stop the bleeding with a men’s shaving styptic pencil or soap. If in doubt, consult us, and we will show you how to trim the nails properly.
Train your dog to accept being handled all over, including regular touching of the ears, feet, and muzzle.

Intestinal parasites are common in puppies, and they can be infected before birth or later through their mother’s milk. A microscopic examination of a faecal sample will help determine the presence of intestinal parasites. Modern worming treatments are both safe and effective. We recommend deworming puppies every two weeks until 16 weeks of age, then monthly from 4 to 6 months, and every 3 months thereafter, depending on the product used.
Our top recommendations include NexGard Spectra (monthly), Drontal (every 3 months), and Milbemax (every 3 months).
It is essential to repeat the medication, as it usually only kills adult worms. Within 3-4 weeks, the larval stages will mature and require treatment.
Roundworms pose a small but definite risk to children, so it is good practice to regularly administer worming treatments to your dog throughout its life. Preparations that eradicate roundworms, tapeworms, and other pathogenic worms are available as tablets, liquids, or granules. All adult dogs should be wormed at least twice a year, and more frequently if they are in contact with young children.
Hookworms can cause colic, anaemia, and skin itchiness.
Ringworm is a fungus, not a worm, and is contagious between animals. Your vet will check for this; please mention if your pet has spots, hair loss, or is itchy.
Whipworm eggs are very resistant and can survive for years in the soil. Whipworms cause colitis, leading to diarrhoea with blood and mucus.
Heartworm disease (dirofilariasis) is a serious and potentially fatal condition in dogs caused by the worm Dirofilaria immitis. These microfilariae live in the bloodstream, primarily in the small blood vessels. Dogs contract heartworm from mosquito bites. Heartworm can be treated, but it is rigorous, expensive, and may result in heart, liver, and kidney damage.
Regular treatment with heartworm preventative drugs is essential to prevent heartworms. Various products are available, and you should discuss with veterinary staff how best to protect your dog. Products may be administered daily, monthly, or as a yearly injection. Prevention is better than cure. If you are unable to give heartworm prevention regularly, your dog should have a blood test for heartworm every year.
Tapeworms are the most common intestinal parasite in dogs. Puppies become infected when they swallow fleas containing tapeworm eggs. The flea is digested in the dog’s intestine, releasing the tapeworm, which then attaches to the intestinal lining. Flea exposure can result in a new infection within two weeks.
Infected dogs will pass small segments of tapeworms in their faeces. These segments are white and look like grains of rice, about 3mm long, and may be seen crawling on the faeces’ surface or sticking to the hair under the tail. These segments dry out, shrink, and turn golden in colour.
Tapeworm segments are not passed every day, so inspecting several consecutive bowel movements may be necessary to find them. If you do find them, please inform us, and we will provide the appropriate eradication drug. Regular treatment can control the tapeworm problem, but it must be administered every three to six months. Discuss with veterinary staff how to protect your dog.
Recommended Worming Schedule
- 2 Weeks to 4 Months of Age: Worm every 2 weeks against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. We recommend Drontal, Ambex, or Popantel.
- At 4 Months: Start heartworm prevention. We recommend:
- Interceptor (or Sentinel) once a month with tapeworming every 6 months, or
- Heartgard once a month with Drontal Allwormer every 3 months, or
- a heartworm injection once a year and worm with Drontal every 3 months.
Fleas and Flea Control
Effective flea control must eliminate fleas from both your dog and their environment. Fleas are irritating pests that can cause skin disorders, anaemia, and spread disease and worms. Consult your vet for flea control solutions suitable for young animals, as many effective preparations for adult dogs are not safe for puppies. Today, products are available that are suitable even for tiny puppies. Emphasising flea control in puppies is just as important as in older dogs, and it must be coupled with controlling fleas in the environment.
For effective flea control, we recommend: NexGard Spectra (monthly), Bravecto Chews (every 3 months), Bravecto Spot-On (every 6 months), and Bravecto Quantum (yearly injection).
Frontline spray can be used on puppies as young as two days old.

Vaccination Requirements
Puppies receive temporary immunity from their mother’s milk, in the form of antibodies. For about 24-48 hours after birth, the puppy’s intestine absorbs many of these antibodies directly into the bloodstream. Later, further antibodies are transferred via the milk, though not in such quantities. This immunity benefits the puppy during the first few weeks, but as it wanes, the puppy needs to develop its own long-lasting protection through vaccinations.
We can prevent many serious diseases in dogs using effective vaccines. To be effective, these vaccines must be given as a series of injections. Ideally, the vaccination program for puppies is as follows:
6-8 Weeks of Age: C3 vaccine, protecting against Distemper, Hepatitis, and Parvovirus.
12 Weeks of Age: C5 vaccine. You can then start safely socialising your pup.
4 Months of Age: C5 vaccine, followed by annual booster injections (or C7 or C8).
Distemper: Affects the brain.
Hepatitis: Affects the liver and eyes.
Parvovirus: Causes bloody diarrhoea and vomiting, and your dog could lose the bowel lining completely. High mortality rate.
All these diseases can be fatal and are best prevented through vaccination.
Kennel Cough
Kennel cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by various viruses and bacteria. It manifests as a spontaneous, harsh cough often ending with gagging. These bouts can persist for several weeks.
A C7 and C8 vaccination are also available but are not needed by every dog. Leptospirosis vaccination is advisable if your dog chases and eats rats. Coronavirus vaccination is recommended for dogs with bowel problems. Tetanus vaccination is usually only given if your pet treads on a rusty nail, has a deep or dirty penetrating wound, or is at risk of such injuries.
All dogs should be vaccinated against key viruses and bacteria that cause disease. Booster doses should be given annually.
Ticks can be deadly to dogs. In our area, we have various ticks, including dog ticks, bush ticks, and paralysis ticks. The paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus) is the most problematic, appearing as a small greyish lump. Regularly (daily) run your hands over your dog’s head, neck, and ears to check for ticks, especially after bushwalks. The first sign of a tick problem is a change in the dog’s bark, followed by congestion or gagging, and then weakness in the hind legs as paralysis spreads. Tick serum can save lives, but early detection is crucial.
For reliable tick protection, we recommend NexGard Spectra (monthly), Bravecto Chews (every 3 months), Bravecto Spot-On (every 6 months), and Bravecto Quantum (yearly injection).
Vomiting can be a symptom of many different diseases. If your dog is also experiencing diarrhoea, dehydration, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, or lethargy, tests should be conducted to clarify the situation. While vomiting may be a minor issue, it could indicate something more serious.
If your pet vomits, take away all food and water to prevent further vomiting. Give small amounts of water (1 tablespoon) or ice cubes at a time. Do not feed your dog for 24 hours.
After 24 hours, start with bland food such as starchy rice or potato and a stock cube, or boiled water with small amounts of chicken and rice or pasta or baby food. Feed small amounts frequently over the next 2 days before resuming normal feeding. Consult your vet if vomiting persists for more than 12 hours.
Passing soft faeces once or twice a day is abnormal but not necessarily a major concern. Minor causes of diarrhoea include stomach or intestinal bacteria or viruses, intestinal parasites, and dietary indiscretions (eating garbage). Check if your dog has had access to food other than what you have provided. Stop feeding your dog for 12 hours and only offer water (not milk). Then, give small amounts of bland food, such as dog biscuits or kibble (avoid tinned food). If diarrhoea does not resolve in 24 hours, or if there is blood in the droppings, contact your vet.
Remember that human food is not always suitable for dogs. Avoid feeding curries, chilli, onions, tomato-based sauces, etc., to prevent tummy upsets. Non-food items like plastic bags, socks, stockings, string, underwear, marbles, peach seeds, fish hooks, and sewing needles can cause major problems. Some toys can also block the bowel, so replace toys that your pet chews apart. Cooked chicken bones can perforate the bowel and are dangerous. Only feed raw bones under strict supervision.

Training and Discipline
Always ensure you win the game by having the dog release the toy to you, and put the toy away for the day, out of the dog’s reach. Do not use all your toys at once to prevent them from becoming boring.
Disciplining a young puppy may be necessary if its behaviour threatens people or property, but never strike the puppy. Remote punishment is preferred, using methods that appear unconnected to you, such as water spray bottles, throwing suitable objects to startle (but not hurt) the puppy, or making loud noises. Remote punishment helps the puppy associate the punishment with the undesirable act, not with you.
Basic training of a puppy is straightforward if simple rules are followed:
Keep tasks simple and progress one step at a time.
Use sounds and words as commands, not sentences.
Avoid training sessions when there are competing distractions.
Be generous with praise and use food rewards.
Ignore failures and never punish the puppy.
Be consistent. This applies to all family members.
Do not let your dog charge in or out of “territory” before you. Make the dog stay at doors, vehicles, or gates until you go through first, then call the dog in or out.
Responsible ownership involves having a well-trained dog, and training should start as soon as the puppy comes home. Puppies are continuously learning from the moment their eyes open, and responsible breeders ensure that training elements commence before the puppy goes to new owners at 6-8 weeks of age. Training should happen whenever you are together with your dog.
Make sure your dog knows you are the boss, not them.
Get your dog’s attention by calling their name and making eye contact.
Develop a strong bond between yourself and your dog.
When giving a command, speak in low, firm tones. Give the command once and help your dog comply.
Training and socialisation are interconnected; a well-socialised dog is usually well-trained and vice versa. Puppies should be handled by family members and strangers as soon as possible and introduced to other dogs, preferably puppies, as soon as their vaccination programme allows. Since the puppy will not have full immunity from vaccinations until about 14 weeks, balance socialisation with isolation from potentially harmful diseases. Menai Animal Hospital runs regular puppy classes to initiate training and ensure adequate socialisation. Enquire with our staff for class dates.
Puppies need toys to stimulate exercise and development. The best toys are lightweight and movable, such as paper wads and rubber balls. Avoid toys small enough to be swallowed. Control the game to prevent your dog from getting overexcited. Do not leave destructible toys with your dog. Replace any toy that is coming apart.