We know that unfortunately not everything happens according to plan with your pets. During our opening hours we are happy to discuss any concerns you may have by phone on 0295411455. Occasionally problems occur at inconvenient times and it can be difficult to know how serious an issue is, particularly because your pets can’t tell you what’s wrong. These are brief notes to guide you on whether to contact an emergency vet immediately or to wait until business hours to discuss with us.
The following emergency veterinary hospitals are available 24 hours a day:
- Veterinary Specialists of Sydney (Miranda): 02 8376 8767
- Animal Referral Hospital (Homebush): 0297588666
- Small Animal Specialist Hospital (North Ryde): 0298890289
- Sydney University Veterinary Hospital (Camperdown): 0293513437
Accidents. Keep animal warm, wrap in a blanket. Check breathing and circulation – lift lip and check colour and gums (should be pink). Clear nose and mouth. Chest massage can make a difference. Get the dog to the vet as soon as possible.
Vomiting. Take away all food and water. After 1 hour give small amounts (1 tablespoon only) of water or give ice cubes to lick. No food for 24 hours. Restrict to small amounts frequently (may be hourly) for 24 hours. If vomiting persists, then take to the vet. You can safely wait 12-24 hours if dog is active and moving around, but not if vomiting is continuous or persistent.
Diarrhoea. Allow water (unless vomiting). No food for 24 hours. May give kaomagma, Peptosyl or Mylanta ( 1 tablespoon) by mouth. After 24 hours, give dry kibble (biscuits) or Devon roll type food. If there is blood in diarrhoea, take dog to your vet as soon as possible. If diarrhoea persists, take dog to vet on next available appointment.
Heat stress. Never leave a dog in a closed car or trailer. If heat stress happens, then cool dog quickly by hosing down with water, starting with head and neck or immerse in a cool bath. Don’t force dog to swallow as it may cause choking. Get to vet as soon as possible.
Bloat. Some deep chested breeds, such as Weimaraners, may get severe gastric distension so they blow up and their abdomen is as tight as a drum filled with air. This is an emergency. Take to vet ASAP. Avoid by not allowing them to eat or drink enormous quantities quickly. Do not allow hard exercise for a half-hour after eating.
Fits or convulsions. Make sure your dog is not going to hurt himself by falling, place on floor, on side. Don’t worry about tongue. Fit usually stops within 5 minutes and dog will be disoriented for some time before getting back to normal. If convulsions last longer than 10 minutes, ring your vet. If fit stops and no further fits, then you can wait till consultation time for checkup.
Ticks. If you find a tick on your pet, remove it ASAP. Grasp tick close to skin and pull. Try not to squeeze poison from tick into your pet as you pull tick out. If you can’t remove tick, then apply an insecticide (eg. Mortein) or coat tick in Vaseline. When tick dies then you can more easily remove it. If your pet has any breathing or swallowing problem or is not able to jump up and run around, then it needs to get to vet ASAP. Tick serum saves lives.
Eyes. An eye with a discharge can be helped with a warm compress such as a warm, wet tissue. Hold tissue on eye for 2 minutes, then wipe and repeat. A red eye is an emergency. Do not put off more than 12 hours before getting help.
Birthing problems. If your dog is having pups, you should have already checked with the vet so you know what to expect. We can check in advance to find out how many pups are in-utero and whether there are going to fit through the pelvic canal and when this is likely to happen. If there is a bloody or a green discharge get to the vet ASAP. There should not be longer than 2 hours between pups being born. Please do not delay getting help.