BOAS Testing at Menai Animal Hospital

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) is a common condition in flat-faced dog breeds, affecting their ability to breathe comfortably and impacting their overall quality of life. BOAS testing is a vital tool to assess the severity of breathing issues in flat-faced dog breeds, helping ensure their comfort and well-being.

Menai Animal Hospital - Holistic Alternative Care
British and Australian Bulldogs, Frenchies , Pugs, and Cavaliers are all “Flat Faced” Dogs. We love these breeds of dogs – they have gorgeous round faces , with short noses and lots of wrinkles. They have loads of personality and make great additions to the family. Their face shape is known as brachycephalic, and can come with some health concerns, one of which is BOAS, or Brachycephallic Obstructive Airway Syndrome.

Dr Kay is accredited to test dogs for a BOAS rating for travel, breeding and general health. The University of Cambridge and the Kennel Club (UK) Respiratory Function Grading Scheme provides an assessment for brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome, to objectively measure the severity of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in dogs and help make a clinical diagnosis. This scheme has been accepted widely around the world as a leading way of grading dogs for respiratory function. Dogs are graded on several factors including conformation of nostrils and throat, respiration and an exercise test.

Any Brachycephalic dog travelling by air will need to have a BOAS test done by an accredited vet within 28 days of travel. BOAS testing is also recommended before breeding to ensure the dogs being bred are of the highest quality for their breed. All brachycephalic dogs-Bulldogs, French Bulldogs and Pugs-should be tested to ensure they are physically healthy and able to breathe well, and if not are appropriately treated or cared for.

There are many things that we can do to improve these dog’s health. A full physical examination is first. Then blood tests and x-rays of the chest, throat and upper abdomen may be advised.
Procedures commonly done are:

🐾 Wedge alarplasty-to widen nostrils (Rhinoplasty)
🐾 Soft palate resection if over long (Staphylectomy)
🐾 Laryngeal saccule eversion surgery
🐾 Turbinectomy
🐾 Laryngeal surgery (for laryngeal collapse or laryngeal paralysis)

Our vets are very experienced with brachycephalic dogs and are happy to work with you to achieve the best outcomes for your furry family member.

For any questions about Menai Animal Hospital’s BOAS testing, please call us on 9541 1455 or send us a message.