Snake Care
- Each species of python has its own preferred body temperature. The enclosure should be 2-3 degrees either side of the body temperature.
Children’s Python | 30-33 degrees |
Carpet Python | 29-33 degrees |
Diamond Python | 29 degrees |
Water Python | 34 degrees |
- A 40-75 watt blue light or an infrared heat lamp should be provided at one end of the enclosure. Rocks or logs need to be placed under or around the heat lamp for basking.
- A good source of ultraviolet light (either natural sunlight or artificial UV light) helps prevent vitamin D deficiency, skin and bone disorders. You will need to replace the light every 3-6 months.
- Ideally, the enclosure should be made from wood and Perspex, and should be large enough for the python move around freely and stretch out.
- A humidity level of 35-75% should be maintained. (Place a shallow dish of water in the enclosure.)
- Thermometers and humidity gauges are essential.
Pythons will eat once a week to once a fortnight for most of the year. In winter your python will feed less to nothing at all (which is normal).
- Temperature of the enclosure determines whether your python is going to eat and digest the food. A sudden drop in temperature after feeding commonly leads to regurgitation or decay of food in the stomach.
- Whole dead prey like mice, rats and chicks should be offered. Live prey may attack and injure your snake.
- Shedding is the replacement of old skin with new skin.
- Younger snakes shed every few months. Adults once to twice a year.
- Snakes shed their skin by rubbing their snout along a rough object until the skin splits, then they continue rubbing along their body until they are completely free.
- Correct temperature and humidity is required for a complete shed in one piece.
- A change in colour (usually dull) and a development of a blue tinge are the most common signs prior to shedding.
- Failure to shed completely may lead to infections.
- Causes of abnormal shedding – Incorrect temperature
– Incorrect humidity
– No rough object to start the shedding process
– Not enough daylight (10-14 hrs per day)
– Illness or disease.
- How to help the process: – Correct humidity 35-75%
– Correct temperature for your species of snake
– Spray the snake and the enclosure twice a day during shedding.
- Worming every six months.
- Annual health check.